Click through the image to see the project.

Tiger Beer Football
Condé Nast

RedBank (Hong An)

Boys and Girls Ireland


Babel Paris

VML, Mumbai / Wunderman Thompson, Mumbai

Huskies, Dublin


Pets of War
Ogilvy Health, North America

Delicately Balanced Flavors
MullenLowe Singapore

Hornbach Heimat Berlin

Biodiversity starts in your garden
Heimat Berlin

No Pests Allowed Ogilvy Group Thailand

No Pests Allowed
Ogilvy Group Thailand

ŠKODA Christmas 2020 Boys + Girls 

ŠKODA Christmas 2020
Boys + Girls 

The Truth Behind The Wall Ogilvy Group Thailand

The Truth Behind The Wall
Ogilvy Group Thailand

Cats DDB Germany

DDB Germany

Killer Cows fischerAppelt

Killer Cows

Night Accident Ogilvy Group Thailand

Night Accident
Ogilvy Group Thailand

Chubby & Fatty Lotus:H Jakarta, Indonesia

Chubby & Fatty
Lotus:H Jakarta, Indonesia

Kill one. Kill all. Ogilvy Group Thailand

Kill one. Kill all.
Ogilvy Group Thailand

Chop-Chop 2.0 Campaign Amber China Shanghai

Chop-Chop 2.0 Campaign
Amber China Shanghai

General Tires Havas Worldwide Shanghai

General Tires
Havas Worldwide Shanghai

Bishopp Outdoor Advertising Rumble Creative & Media Australia

Bishopp Outdoor Advertising
Rumble Creative & Media Australia

Saky Dental Floss Rod Ogilvy & Mather Shanghai

Saky Dental Floss Rod
Ogilvy & Mather Shanghai

Sunlight Bubbles MullenLowe Singapore

Sunlight Bubbles
MullenLowe Singapore

Top Magazine AlmapBBDO Sao Paulo, Brazil

Top Magazine
AlmapBBDO Sao Paulo, Brazil

Playstation 4 TBWA Paris

Playstation 4
TBWA Paris

Clingy animals Lowe Thailand

Clingy animals
Lowe Thailand

Maximum Impact Y&R Dubai

Maximum Impact
Y&R Dubai

WMF Boning Knife McCann Worldgroup Bangkok

WMF Boning Knife
McCann Worldgroup Bangkok

Blow Hard Ogilvy Group Thailand

Blow Hard
Ogilvy Group Thailand